TAERROR: no Paper Setup name has been given! TAERROR : file "/tauser/settings/edicola/papersetups/.cfg" does not exist! E-Book Help

Reading E-Book Editions on Your Computer

The e-edition can be downloaded to your computer in e-book format and read even if you are no longer connected to the Internet. E-Book editions are provided in ePub format, and you will need to install software on your computer that can read ePub files. Below are links to a couple of available programs.

Adobe Digital Editions

[ADE screenshot]

Adobe Digital Editions can be used to organize and read your e-editions. It is available for Windows and Mac OS X. It can be downloaded here.


[calibre screenshot]

calibre is a free and open-source e-book management program available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Click here to download it.

Once you've installed some e-book software, visit the downloads page to start downloading e-book editions (you may be asked for your e-edition username and password).
